Sunday, March 4, 2012

so techno is pretty good these days

I've been listening to a lot more house-leaning and garagey-sounding stuff lately, and I think there's some interesting stuff going on in some of the dancier genres that's getting overshadowed a bit by the dubstepification of everything. This guy Randomer is making some hot shit right now.

Also, if you're not listening to the Kuedo record from last year on repeat, you're fucking crazy. So good


  1. yes. yes. yes. randomer is great for after-work aggro fist pumping and the kuedo is brilliant - late80s/early 90s sonic palate, but not blatantly retro.
    my favorite right now has got to be "they live" by doc daneeka/benjamin damage.

  2. yeah dude, good call. i had hear a couple of tracks from that and didn't think much of it, probably because i listened to it on laptop speakers. i went back and checked it out with studio headphones and heard all the bass i was missing. huge kicks!
