Saturday, March 17, 2012

aliasing explained

this is the best explanation i've found on the phenomenon known as "aliasing" aka "the reason digital sounds different than analog" aka "why the microkorg sounds fake as fuck." makes me wonder about the age old question: is there a difference between a DCO and a VCO (besides the fact that a VCO is less stable and drifts around)? is it the digital filter and amp stages that make virtual analog sound so shitty, or the oscillators?


  1. humbly submitted: not all VA sounds shitty. So the answer to your questions is: Yes.

  2. This is a fucking awesome post-

    I think the best reason I have found related to this discussion was in this article (more at analog tape vs computer recording, but still the same idea)

    "When it comes to audio, some aspects of analogue technology introduce artifacts and distortions that are perceived as pleasant, and are often musically enhancing — and this is something that lies at the heart of the idea of ‘analogue warmth’."

    This could be the explanation between the VCO vs DCO, people "like" the artifacts the electronics create. I think the issues with VA's such as micro Korgs are they have alias issues and our ears are not hearing the the artifacts created by the electronics components. Our ears don't like the precision of digital sampling.

    and I agree with Jason, the answer is yes
