Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm sure you all know this already...

...but there's currently an 8-hour mix being broadcast at autechre.ws. I've only been listening for ten minutes and it's already gone from acid to electro to 'ardcore to gabber to autechreness. Not sure when the mix started, but it's lush. God bless 'em.


  1. yep, listening now. i think it started at 6GMT/1pmET

  2. 8 pm EST and it's straight fire. Chuck D? to Wu Tang right now.

  3. I'm listening. Curse my inability to do so while driving home from work, however.

  4. re:this. 8:30ishEST. I was in the other room for a sec, but I thought there was some Quasimoto in there? Which prompted a parallel line of questioning: Is Quasimoto even supposed to be good? Because I can't not hate that voice thing.
    (NOW- Rakim over BOC. Face on floor.)

  5. That was fucking brilliant.
