Sunday, October 11, 2009

...and another thing

Money well spent. The ae track on that white record is fucking ridiculous. It's like Christmas all weekend here.

Torrent for the Unheard records.


  1. merry christmas. i thought it'd be gay of me to post a comment at 9:42 AM on a sunday, but i see you're already up opening presents. i've got that torrent fired up. i'm sharpening my cro-bar so i can break into your house and steal it. you better make sure your secutiry system is on if you leave. actually, ust don't even worry about it...ima get that shit regardless. and your little circuit bent newport box amp.

  2. Ian Dennis - Aphex Twin: Acrid Avid Jam Shred. Listening to this in Highschool- my then 4-yr.-old brother pounding at my door yelling "What's that Space Music?!".

    -from Warp20 (Chosen) Vorters Messages Poster

  3. that b.o.c. track is fierce, too. you're right though, the awtecker is buttery.

  4. word. somebody suggest a good torrent client for mac? also, how i download that shit without my spyin-ass ISP putting me in internet jail?

  5. I second what andrew said.

  6. I use Transmission (to download on Mac)...which means 99% chance Jason told me to use, which means 99% chance it's the right thing to use.

    Andrew and Jarrett - this ae track is worth an entire ae album. More different than any ae you've heard this decade.

    BTW, I've been off this board for over a month (and since before the RIPs), but how the fuck you not gonna put Raida up there?

  7. I was gonna mention a Roc Raida pic to add to the column o' fame, but I wasn't sure if I had enough blog cred.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm FAMOUS (Except for how many Ian Dennis's there are in the UK... Google it sometime, I think they're mostly geologists/geology grad students). Whatever, as long as y'all know... I don't think I have any other friends who'd be impressed... And I guess I should tell my brother.

  10. ALSO- That new AE sounds like some wicked old AE. Still hot, just not that exploding polygonal breakdancing wasp shit.
