Friday, April 13, 2012

Dark Steering

I'm not totally sure how I feel about this. The song is decent enough. Sounds like Do You Know Squarepusher-era stuff updated a little bit to be less drill and bass and more electro house.

The video itself, though, is pretty boring. I mean I get that live electronic shows aren't the most fun to watch, but why make that your video? A simulation of a "live" performance, when the performance itself is mostly a playback of pre-recorded, pre-sequenced material. I mean how many levels of simulacra do you need?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I kind of liked it better when he just spazzed out and/or chugged a fifth of vodka onstage. And I blame Deadmau5 for all of this helmet bullshit.

  3. Yeah, there are certainly a lot of things that can be blamed on Deadmau5. Like I blame him for allowing dudes like Skrillex to be famous. Daft Punk did the helmet thing first, though, but their helmets fucking rule.

  4. To call this the best new Squarepusher track in like five or six years is, unfortunately, still pretty faint praise at this point. I wish the good part (right around the 5-minute-mark, IMO) was good enough to justify the length of the buildup to it. The video and the track itself both make ugly presumptions re: an audience's patience for many more repetitions of certain motifs than said motifs are really interesting enough to sustain. But at least, once it's kind of worn you down, the little change-ups start to come in, and you're like, "hey, this is more interesting than it was a couple minutes ago."

  5. Motherfucker, how far we done fell. --Bunk

  6. Just to be clear here - I pretty much 100% agree with what Ian said.
