Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Alright. New Clark. Let's hear it.

Start the "who that singing" bitching in 3...2...


  1. are we talking about iradelphic? i thought the songs on totem/growls garden (?) were pretty terrible. so far this record sounds like some hippy ass world music.

  2. I haven't heard much of Iradelphic yet other than that one track that was floating around before the release. I actually quite like some of the stuff on Totem's Flare, but it's definitely not one of my favorites of his. Regardless of how you feel about that stuff, though, you should really check out the hour and a half live stream he did from his studio a couple of weeks ago. There are some proper "tracks" in there, but most of it is unreleased improv stuff, some of which is really great. I recorded most of it while it was going on, but it looks like somebody has already put the whole thing up on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rLDSZwlHlc
