Saturday, January 1, 2011


Never mind all this witch house business, these dudes have clearly done their 80's industrial/EBM homework. Perfect soundtrack for an imaginary John Carpenter movie with dancing werewolves. The album cover looks like box art to a super rad Amiga game.


  1. shit man, i slept. these guys were playing here on new year's eve. ahhh fuck it, going out sucks, who am i kidding. rather listen to it at home where i can drink good liquor in flip flops and socks.

  2. I am not even allowed to drink in public any more, so I have to stay at home. They don't look highly upon a non-college kid drinking till he pukes, threatin people with knives, break dancing in the street and then tryin to find LSD in Kansas. Who would have known? I just stay at my house
