Saturday, June 12, 2010

How would you respond?

In a conversation last evening, someone responded when I asked if they heard of the Autechre, "I don't listen to that bullshit."   How would you all respond in the situation?


  1. call him a fascist and make fun of his music.

  2. Rip out his heart, eat it, cremate his body, mix the ashes with paint, use the paint to coat AE's machinedrum, let them go on tour with it

  3. well, funny you all say some of this. The dude later in the evening punched this kid I know that likes autechre in the dick (the liker said he had it coming). I may see this cat again, but I would prefer not to. KiLo, that makes sense, but I don't know if that beat box would pass through customs. Maybe I could make Jsan something.

  4. I don't listen to that bullshit either

  5. It is dead-

    But people don't want to accept it-

    Kinda like
    God is dead- Nietzsche
    Nietzsche is dead- God

    IDM has been dead for so long, we don't even tell it to RIP or get sad, we just have a memorial for it and then a party.

    I will put the conversation in context- the original statement came from a conversation with someone that wants me to be in a rock band with him as his drummer. His response to what isn't bullshit was not something near as cool as Chewer or Tudikas listen to (you two are who turn me on to new music and make me not get stuck in 1998).

    Neil Young was what wasn't bullshit to him. He wasn't just attacking Autechre, he was attacking music that wasn't made with a guitar.

  6. Don't get me started on Nietzsche. Or Kierkegaard.

  7. can I get you started on Wagner?

    It should be noted, any reference to anything philosophical, religious, intellectual, or otherwise academic outside of music history was probably picked up on a piece of graffiti in an elevator somewhere.

  8. Wait, I might know that guy. Did he happen to have two very rambunctious boxer dogs, snort lots of cocaine, and keep insisting that his guitar be louder?

  9. Nietzsche was tight bros with Wagner for a long time, then he stopped hanging out with him and hated him. Spent like 47 hours a day writing hoity-toity stuff about how much Wagner sucked. Then he got syphillis of the brain and went shell.

  10. if this person were referring to the last 4 autechre realeases, i'd have to agree. but i doubt this jackass was, so i'd ducttape his bitchass to a chair in a basement and play tri rep on 11 until he took it back and/or clarified the statement.

  11. IDM is a classic genre of electronic music, that only few artist (including myself) tend to still keep alive as a ghost genre. Broken Fader have a few artist feeding the ghost of idm also. It wont die, it lives.

  12. my response:

