Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Track

Ram the Manparts by bfcalex

So I was sort of inspired by early posts about having a million half-finished tracks laying around to just make something and finish it no matter what. I tried to turn down the self-editing a little bit and just get a damn track done. It's not that long, but I knew if I spent any longer on it I'd start to hate it and never finish it. So I spent probably two days (not in a row) writing/recording/arranging. Then another day mixing. Then a few hours "mastering" later. I always feel like learn more and get more songwriting "practice", i guess you could say, from actually finishing something, even if I don't love the results.


  1. One day, you will hit on a gem of a musical idea and have the songwriting process down to make it a banger. That bass line is a banger, it aint too much, it is making my one earbud I am listening this on at work rattle like a hookers baby who is waiting for it's mama to get off tha track. I think they call that Donk.

    This shit is dark son. I am way into the background ambient/pad things. thumbs up on the res filters on the HH's, I always smile when I hear that.

    they say length isn't what matters, it is width.

  2. i am just now getting around to listening to this, and I likes it. It has plenty of girth.
