Tuesday, February 9, 2010

since we're on mixes, I found a dinosaur bone buried in this one.

i was actually looking for unreleased monolith (on fire at the moment, by the way) and i stumble on some unreleased afx, and yawl know how i skeet over that shit, so...

page has a link to a mike paradinas mix from a few months ago.

dl it and ffwd to 44:00 or so (the first 44 minutes is just some lame announcer playing new trendy choons for bbc or some shite, although the first 5 minutes of THAT is a dope loops haunt track).

he opens with a pretty amazing monolith track, and then drops some untitled, unreleased CAUSTIC WINDOW and then fades into an unreleased aphex twin remix of luke vibert. it's not the most mindblowing stuff by any means, and it only drops for a few minutes, but still...

the rest of the mix is pretty good, too.

at about 54:30 he drops a subtrkt track called "atomic peace" that is pretty hot.

and then i lost track and now i can't tell what's what....

1 comment:

  1. He said "Dinosaur Bone".

    Starkey is a fucking gangster.
