Wednesday, October 28, 2009

heads up thumbs up

I don't tend to do much browsing around on the internet. i don't really have much patience for this shit to tell you the truth. i did come across this though, which i think everyone should take a peek at, some choice tracks available.


1 comment:

  1. i like how he said this about Con-Yay

    "I watched Kanye West perform his Love Lockdown single on Late Night with David Letterman last night. Upon completion of the performance, Mr. Letterman repeatedly exclaimed "Whoa buddy," indicating his intense enjoyment of said performance. I immediately leapt at my television, yelling, nay, screaming, "This man is a pretentious egomaniac!! Do you not understand the auto-tuner's context in modern popular music?! The barbarians are at the gates, old man!! THE BARBARIANS ARE AT THE GATES!!!!"
