Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Twin Peaks now streamable for free


In other random news, I really really hope Wikipedia is wrong about Shia LaBeouf playing Yorick in the possible film adaptation of Y the Last Man. As far as suitable substitutes, I'm thinking Michael Cera if he lost the whole indie-darling bullshit floating around him now and just focused on being nerdy. And could grow a beard convincingly. But perhaps one of you has a better suggestion (I'm mostly looking at Ian).

1 comment:

  1. I'm not exactly steeped in Y (maybe borrowed the first 4 or 5 volumes awhile back) but it is high quality comics to the max. In other words, I've read up through a place in Yorick's character arc where he's still annoying enough to be easily portrayed by Shia LeBeouf, maybe even a young Matthew Perry. The genius of Brian k. Vaughn's writing is such that this characterization is not a deal-breaker, and the shit stays compelling. Dunno about Michael Cera, though... Wha'bout the angry teenager from Little Miss Sunshine?
