Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Doin Soft Time

Well, so last winter, my friend Liz asked me to have a show at Winston Salem's Electric Moustache Gallery. I agreed, made a buncha work over the last two-three months, and now it's all done and in the gallery. This evening, I've been  wading through several days worth of pictures by a few people, trying to intelligibly summarize the exhibit and surrounding events using heinously unwieldy services like Facebook and Flickr.
Here's what I got:


... aaand Flickr.
I'm playing fast and loose with photo credits right now, just to get this done with, but you'll see some by me, my Dad, Liz Simmons, and at least one by Chandra Noyes, of me showing off how my shoes match one of the pieces.
And I can't forget about the invaluable entertainment contributions of DJ 1993-J, who placed his professional reputation on the line during the opening reception to fill my request for Cage's "Agent Orange," and also for sneaking in some tequila.


  1. Electric Moustache Gallery is a dope spot yall, everyone needs to sneak mad tequila up in that bad boy and look at the pretty eye candies. Ian, I am pumped you got show up in there. Get you some skrilla. Your works are slick and soft, scarry and lovable.

    Last time I was in the EM Gallery, I snuck Jim Beam (go figure) in, drank way too much of it (go figure). Anyone remember the projector showing the EM gallary in the stage area? That was fun.

    Give em hell Ian, sell some shit, and if people don't buy shit, threaten them. That is how I sell BFC records.

  2. i am going to give you some money for one, i'm torn between dant, taf, and puhhh at the moment

  3. I think I've about broken even on materials and stuff so far, so any more sales'd be profit. I guess I 'll never get anywhere in life if I can't threaten for profit... Adam, buy a fucking piece or so help meeee......
    In all seriousness, I can put you in touch with the gallery if ya wanna make sure you get a 1st choice, or I can deliver one (possibly a mystery one) to Seattle by hand, not long after the show comes down.

  4. best time had in winston in years
