Sunday, February 8, 2009

Random things I like and hate

If you don't check out Ars Technica on a semi-regular basis (i.e. when bored and not drunk enough to sling your dick around in a circle until the neighbors start yelling shit at you, or while taking a shit), you cannot call yourself a nerd.
This week their article on Invincible Motherfucking Obama possibly cowtowing to the media ownership oligarchy caught my eye, especially as they referenced Eldred v. Ashcroft. I've told Brian and Gray this before, but if you haven't read Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig, go read it now.

Last year I got so pissed off about this kind of shit I babbled for about a page and a half about it. Don't worry, they gave me benzodiazepines and this:

and I quickly gave up those silly blog things.

Woops, medication time. While I'm doing that, YouTube channels you should check out, if you're not familiar yet:
communitychannel (the exact kind of quirky self-deprecating comedic thing that has been terribly erased by the explosion of whiny parochial vlogs)
spricket24 (hit and miss, but the hits are pretty good)
Fred (Fred requires no introduction)
KasperHauserComedy (consistently hilarious - the SkyMaul series is pretty good. Especially the iPod Shredder.)
horseheadbusinessman (also hit and miss, but occasional moments of brilliance)

and there's always poykpac, giving you many lessons by which to live your life:

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