Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Fucking Year

What better way to ring in the new year than with a spirited conversation on a topic appropriate for this forum? Soothe your hangover away to the dulcet tones of Robert Novak. It's bewildering to see how as a society we've come so far/gotten nowhere at all.


  1. This is like 25 years old right? And I've STILL never heard a song that really urgently, successfully advocates incest. The more things change, the more they stay the same, I guess.

  2. did anyone notice that robert novak has a bandage on his left hand?

  3. Cover that daughter with chocolate syrup....

  4. can you imagine that these fuckers are up in arms over Van Halen? What did they think of Axel? What would they think of VS music videos? Bless Zappa, he held his own, even if he is a conservative, and strap her on again.
