Friday, January 23, 2009

escape from NY

Do you know how hard it is to rent a car if you are pretty much a credit-cardless waste of oxygen? pretty hard. Some tips.... in new york state you can get your college age friends to vouch for you from the age of 18 on... all you have to do is pay them handsomely. I almost had to put my gold ring in hock.

Don't bother with customer service courtesies without a good lie handy. My friend and I wrangled an avis rental with "My favorite aunt Alice died and i have to get home fast because uncle Jesse is deranged." Stick to the lie and sound more distressed at every jag in rental policy... Jerry Mcguire that shit.

It'll feel a little like surfing out of the city with flames licking your heels but it beats the bus.

see you in winston.



  1. just whip it out on the lady or man at the service desk, it has always worked for me. You may even end up getting special service. Jerry Mcguiring that shit will just get you a little kid that you are not the baby's dady with a fucked up face and some stupid glasses.

  2. headed home already? i thought the techno gods would suck you into the 4-4 vortex and make you play them records all night.

  3. already? ALREADY? i took a month long vacation from my day job as a FURNITURE SALESMAN to go to new york and do nothing... a month. thats a pretty sizable chunk of time for a man of my years and in my line - o - work. besides, nobody listens to techno in new york anymore.. havn't you heard? all the art school kids drop DMT and dance to animal noises. it's all the rage..

    and brian... dude, an exaggerated southern accent and a good smile got us home. that and the sense of basic humanity my credit-card-holding sublettee had. but you try and rent a car using a 20-year-old's visa from anywhere in NY with the "whip out" alone... and as far as the kid with fucked up glasses from JM is concerned, he's better than spanging outside the bagel shop on bedford ave.... SHOW ME THE MONEY.

  4. shit, kevin whips it out all the time, and it has gotten him all kinds of places. However, the southern accent and a good smile will win most every time. Unless you need a favor from who is dis Alex, he only accepts the whip it out.
