Saturday, December 13, 2008

On another note...

my vote for one of the best albums of 2008 is the new Brightblack Morning Light. Motion to Rejoin is a complex and more accomplished undertaking than the previous self titled album. Using the same drawl and slow jam format, they seem to have uncovered something with more luster. Granted, some might consider this a hippy ass record, i wouldn't fault BBML for it. Sometimes things are just good. That thick Rhodes should be enough to satisfy any genre biased audiophile.

their website HERE


  1. Never heard of this shit. Have to check it out.

    I have listened to so few things released in 2008 during 2008, and the only 3 that stick out are:

    erykah badu -- because it's pretty effing good.

    m83 - because, like john said, it sounds like you are living a john hughes movie

    quaristice - duh.

  2. Finally got to listen to this. Totally seems like Man With A Movie Camera on a downer cocktail. The Rhodes *was* nice. This album put 2 French Bulldogs and one 29-year-old girl to sleep within 30 minutes. (The first part of that is something of a feat.)
